Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Obama is a better Republican than Busch was

  • Obama has escalated the was in Afghanistan
  • The main subject of Obama's health care bill was the formation of a National Insurance exchange, an idea first put forward by a Republican
  • Besides that, the bill contained numerous concessions to congressional republicans, including the giving up of a public option
  • Obama has signed an EXECUTIVE ORDER banning federal funding of abortion
  • Obama has continued Bush's unpopular policy of giving tax cuts to rich individuals
  • Obama has slashed federal spending nationwide, including funding for NASA's moon and mars research
  • Obama has kissed Israel's ass for as long as he has been in office
  • Obama's biggest spending spree was the bailouts, which went straight to big banks and were originally a Bush administration idea
  • Obama has repeatedly favored big businesses over the American people
  • Obama is in favor of building dangerous nuclear power plants rather than environmentally friendly ones
  • Obama is against same-sex marriage
  • And finally, the big political news today is that Obama is ignoring the EPA and is expanding oil drilling in the east coast
I used to be an Obama supporter. But now I realize that I voted for a center-right wing president at a time when that was exactly what I DIDN'T want. I wanted change from the Bush era, but instead all we got was a carbon copy, more of the same.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Historical Context

I've been watching so many WW 2 movies lately that I actually know who Betty Grable is, and I've encountered a frightening prospect. The Nazi party of yesteryear are disturbingly similar to the modern day tea party activists.
Both groups exhibit:
and both groups are/were the minority of the population but still have/had tremendous political sway in relation to their size.

Democrats, on the other hand, continue to be hippies.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Anyone else notice that political commentators go through cycles of popularity? Bill O'reilley, Stephen Colbert, and more recently Glen Beck have all had their 15 minutes. And now that Glen Beck is on the decline, who do you think is next?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Political Strategies

The dems and the repubs both have clearly defined strategies for winning the November congressional elections.

The democrats are going to campaign on the successes of the health care bill. The tax credits are going to win them support from small business owners and recently sick individuals. The fact that the bill is so insurance company friendly will bring those companies onto the side of the democrats, which will secure campaign funds for key seats. The democrats will polarize behind this bill, which will benefit a lot of people, and bring their independent supporters and their base slightly to the left. This will also be an effective resistance to the constant magnetic pull right by the recent emergence of the tea parties.

The republicans will win a lot of seats by default, but default won't stop them from going all out in attacking this bill. They will continue to appeal to only their conservative base in an effort to polarize further and bring their constituents with them. Fox news will be an essential part of this polarization, as the conservative base normally thinks with their Glenn Beck. Look for conservatives in congress and on the air to insult and slander this new healthcare bill at every turn. Sarah Palin's strategy of targeting key elections is a great one, but don't expect it to capture her short attention span for anything over a month. The Limbaugh inspired fire Pelosi campaign would be an excellent moral victory if it is successful, but there is every chance that it will not get off the ground.

Overall: Expect many incumbents to be voted out of office, and expect next to nothing to happen to the current version of the healthcare bill other than-maybe- a few republican amendments.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Progressiveness leads to Fascism?

Many Glen-Beck-for-brains tea baggers recently have been asserting that progressivism over time leads to fascism. Aside from the fact that the two philosophies are on perpendicular sides of the political spectrum (one can be a fascist while being a progressive or a conservative), and the fact that the extrapolation is entirely bass ackwards, what does conservative libertarianism lead to?

Considering the fact that libertarians stand in favor of limited government, one can extrapolate that libertarianism leads to anarchy. Having a libertarian President or majority in congress would radically change the country in ways that would make our founding fathers cry. All market regulations would be nonexistent, including child labor laws. We would all be forced to labor for too many hours per week at the minimum wage of $1 per day in the manufacturing plants that would dominate the landscape. Pollution would be viewed favorably, and we would all become sickly from contamination in our food and water supply very quickly. Anti-government sentiment fueled by ignorance would lead to a total dissolving of the federal governments, and state governments would be solely responsible for police and defense. Taxation would be too low to support either group, and anarchist post-apocalyptic gangs would run rampant stealing and raping until either China or Russia decided to bomb us and invade.

But at least American business would be on top.

Monday, March 22, 2010

I'm Confused.

I realize nobody reads my blogs (lol), but on the off chance that someone starts now:
Could somebody clarify for me whether the Health Care bill that passed the House of Representatives last night is now going to be a law, or whether it still needs to pass the senate?

The way I understand it so far, and the way that CNN seems to be pushing it as, is that the core of the bill is going to be sent to President Obama soon to be made into law, and the changes to the senate version are going to the senate for a vote. So then do the changes take effect when Obama signs the bill into law or when the senate passes the bill?

If someone could clarify this for me, that'd be awesome.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

American Education

This is not a rant about our failing education system, though that may come later. This is simply an observation of a single important detail that was left out of the curriculum of my grade school.

That detail is the fact that Alexander Grahm Bell, inventor of the telephone, was Canadian. While never mentioning his nationality, my classmates and I were always lead to believe he was an American citizen. Was this simply a clerical error in the curriculum in my grade school? Or was this something deeper, a plot by powerful educators to subtly induce ideas of American dominance into the clean-slate minds of young students.

This may seem like nothing more than conspiratorial speculation to the average reader, but keep in mind the recent decision of a texas school board to purposely include conservative bias in new textbooks across the nation. One representative of the schoolboard defended his decision by saying, and I'm paraphrasing, "This is a good day for American dominance."

This is despicable. Bias has no place in the textbooks of grade schoolers. It belongs firmly in debate rooms and courtrooms. Grade schoolers should receive historical facts, rather than cherry picked biased opinions based on whatever an insignificant school board decides.

Thomas Jefferson, third present of the United States and author of the Declaration of Independence, has no special emphasis in the new edition of textbooks, and John Calvin, a French theologian who lived and died before the American revolution ever took place is noted as an influential individual pertaining to the writing of the American constitution.

The only thing I can derive from this is that the texas school board who has chosen to send the youth of America into a modern day dark age has simply no morals. They may believe that they are helping the next generation to become more conservative, but in reality they are defecating in the pristine fountain of collective knowledge.

I am unsure as to what the average american can do to oppose such bias and defecation, however you can, like me, write a lengthy blog that calls out the school board and calls them several stinging names.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Support Healthcare Reform!

Yeah that's all I got. Support it!