Friday, November 12, 2010

Would You?

Scenario: Scientists have recently developed a brain implant that allows the user to be connected mentally and emotionally with everyone who possesses such an implant, creating a virtual "Hive Mind" reminiscent of the Borg collective from the Star Trek Series.

Would you participate?

Consider the implications: nobody would know exactly what the psychological implications would be. There is a very strong possibility that the individual would completely lose their identity. Emotions and intentions are communicated every day through conversation. But the fact remains that language is a relatively inefficient way to communicate information. By contrast, the theoretical microchip implant would be able to let others know exactly what you mean exactly how you mean it.
Privacy would also become a thing of the past. Every deep dark thought or intention would be exposed for everyone for all the participants to experience and judge. Would this be an acceptable tradeoff?
So the question remains: Would you do it?


  1. I've been waiting for a chip that can connect me to the internet coupled with contacts that can show me what I'm browsing, but this is too much, to lose an identity. Even with my curiosity of wanting to know what goes on in some peoples heads, I think it would be too much...

  2. No. I dont think I would do that. I'd like to keep my sanity, thank you.

  3. hmmm dont think being the Borg would be that good

  4. only if i was able to play pac man with my mind

  5. No way would I do it. I don't even have a facebook. I like to maintain my sense of independence from it all.

  6. I wouldn't be one of the first people to try that out. Id be too scared of side effects at first.

  7. Found your site via Twitter

    And love it!

  8. Wow, that's a crazy technology. And no I probably wouldn't.

  9. nice post i like it !

  10. this is where i draw the line. Even tho the idea is pretty sweet. This will be used in favor of intelligence agencies and foreign governments to creat chaos.

  11. Its somewhat of a double-edged sword.

    One way it is good is that communication will be much more simple, be it good or bad or the ugly. Overall, we'd be more connected to each other than ever before.

    Its also bad because it would indeed destroy what makes you... well you! You'd be able to communicate and understand what things are said and how they mean of other people as well as people understanding you to the point everything about you is obsolete, turning yourself into an emotionless monotonic droid that will eventually realize, all of that doesn't matter, and it would take one person and then it will spread like a virus.

    However, once again Science has done it again! Congratz to Science!

  12. Pass.

    I think of some pretty fucked up things, like really. I'd never act on them though, nor would I tell anyone.

  13. OMG, id never do this to my tiny and beautiful brain!

  14. I would if I could turn it off from time to time.
