Monday, November 15, 2010

Legalize it!

Now I've never smoked marijuana, but even I can understand the importance of letting the individual make their own choices regarding what they choose to put in their body. I personally believe that the governments of the world should take a lesson from the Netherlands and allow those who wish it to purchase and consume the drug within designated public areas as well as their private properties.
The very least that could be done is legalize it for medical reasons. Remember the Hippocratic oath? First do no harm. Doctors would make sure that whenever marijuana is prescribed, it would be done so for legitimate reasons. Abuse, which is technically impossible, of the drug would be next to nonexistent.
But there's also the option of allowing public consumption altogether, in a similar manner to how cigarettes are handled today. The facts show that marijuana use does not significantly affect motor skills associated with the average workplace or those with driving. Ultimately it would be safer than both cigarettes and alcohol.
Marijuana use and possession are often referred to as "victimless crimes"
So legalize it today!


  1. Good thoughts here, for sure. This is such a complicated issue, I try not to think about it, haha! But you went right out and tackled it!

  2. I agree. Hadn't really thought of the Hippocratic oath argument before, good post!

  3. I agree as well. When you really look at it, there's almost no downsides to legalization. Pot considerably less dangerous than tobacco or alcohol.

  4. I say ban tobacco and alcohol instead!

  5. I can only agree with you. And I also guess that it will be beter if we ban tobacco and alcohol instead.

    Please legalize !

  6. i loveee your blog,,visit mine..

  7. Mhh well..I think it's not a problem to legalize it...I think the problem is even more that every youth will smoke mariujana.. (Even if it's for get alcohol too from somewhere) and so many kids will fuck their own education up cause their always stoned at school :x...

  8. I fully agree, it's too bad that prop 19 didn't pass, since it would set a prime example for other states and countries to follow.

  9. it will never happen, i wish it would but unfortunately it wont.....*sigh*

  10. very good thoughts! Legalize it!

  11. I think it might happen, imagine how much tax the country would get :P

  12. I'm all for legalizing it and it WILL HAPPEN ONE DAY. I will continue to stand up for what is right and fight for my right to do with my body as I please.
